Hypnosis for Insomnia 


Does it take you hours to get over to sleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning and just can’t get back to sleep? Are you feeling irritable or finding it hard to concentrate during the day? Are you always tired and feel you’re running on empty?

We all know what it feels like to have a disrupted sleep - perhaps that difficult conversation we had earlier is going over in our mind, or we’ve had a coffee too near bedtime. However it can be more complicated than that. Sleep is such a fundamental thing - if you suffer from insomnia you’ll be experiencing these problems regularly and perhaps fear that you’ve lost the ability to have a full night’s restful sleep.

Hypnosis together with CBT and mindfulness is a treatment option for insomnia that many people find helpful.

Together we will:

  • look at your daily routines and winding down routine

  • address the possible side effects of certain eating or drinking habits

  • think about your sleep environment

  • examine and work on letting go of these annoying or upsetting thoughts that are getting in the way of sleep

  • use hypnosis to reinforce your new behaviours and beliefs about sleep

NB It’s important to speak to your GP first, to eliminate any physical causes.

It is possible to improve your sleep.

Many clients notice that after just a few sessions they start to make positive changes to their sleep and as a result, feel better and get their life back on track.